Panorama module – search interface for multiple databases
IDEA’s Panorama module is a unified search interface that allows exposure of various collections, current information retrieval, focused, and fast, from a number of different systems at the same time for the benefit of end users.
The Panorama works within the Internet environment and allows retrieval and exposure of separate databases sharing the same network, on one central interface. The module allows the end users to search all databases using a single search system, and at the same time enables each organization to maintain an independent management of its data catalog.
Using this module, users can enjoy the full benefit of one central service that meets the needs of research, study and reading, and provides a variety of information about books, articles, documents and digital objects from separate collections, on one central site.
The module helps the organization to meet the needs of users, providing accessibility to rich and varied information, while fulfilling their expectations for fast, easy and efficient search and retrieval, whenever and wherever they are. At the same time, the organization’s autonomy in managing the data and cataloging it is preserved.
The search interface includes a unified screen, with basic and advanced search for the user’s convenience. Thus, enabling the search of all the collections of the libraries network/ archives and heritage organizations, and finding the relevant information on one central site. The information is presented in a designed interface with a common list of search results, including ranking and sorting by relevance, allowing access to the desired items in a convenient and simple way.
This module is an important stepping-stone for the supply of information accessibility to users, in a fast and friendly form, while preserving the independence and decentralized administration of data entry, for the organization’s administrators.
The module can be integrated in all IDEA’s products – for libraries, archives and museums.
For further information and/or purchasing the product, please contact IDEA’s sales department. [email protected]
Client Story
The Kibbutz Movement Archives
The Kibbutz Movement Archives purchased the Panorama module for the exposure of all the heritage collections of the movement on a shared website.
In celebration of 100th anniversary of the kibbutzim, the Kibbutz Movement has established the “Kibbutz Movement archives network “which brings together under one roof all the heritage, history and culture collections of the kibbutz movement and labor settlements, to allow the exposure and retrieval of heritage information using one shared catalog, maintain separate infrastructures and database management .
The project reveals the archives’ catalogs (Yad Tabenkin, Yad Yaari and Shitim Institute) and their various collections and cultural heritage on the web, allowing researchers and the public, to search and retrieve information from the participating archives, jointly and separately. Idea’s Internet Panorama module allows joint search on the three different databases in one site, including searches of all the archives, or part of them, according to relevant fields and the display of relevant results in every archive in an overall result list. The search is performed on all archives, or on one of them, directing end-users to locate the relevant archive, in accordance with the given authorizations, such as ordering, maintaining queries, advanced searches, and more.